Trusted Colleagues
Shayne Anderson CIP
North America Representative The Kusnacht Practice Interventionist Shayne knows all too well the havoc families can experience from having loved ones fall prey to alcohol and other drug abuse. Clean and sober since 2004, Shayne has extensive experience as a dedicated recovery coach and companion for the past 12 years, working with premiere providers including Total Life Solutions, Start Up Recovery and Silverbell Coaching. Shayne is multifaceted and multi-talented, a characteristic which his clients find both useful and appealing. He additionally holds a BA in Theatre Arts giving him unparalleled insight to help clients in the industry. Shayne also studied abroad and traveled playing semi-pro basketball in Uppsala, Sweden. A former fixture of the Hollywood nightlight industry, he managed several high profile nightclubs, has a background in security and executive protection which often compliments the clients he serves. He is a graduate of Santa Monica Community Police Academy. A family man, Shayne has three beautiful children - all whom believe they are his favorite. He welcomes you reaching out and knows how with care and compassion to move loved ones to accept the help they need. Together you will discover there is always hope and always a solution. The wound is the place where the Light enters you. -Rumi |